22 weeks and counting

I am 22 weeks as of last Thursday. I have been meaning to post for a while, but could not find the inspiration haha

This picture is back from 21 weeks. Looking and feeling huge.10468678_10203598978355315_6428922823578420618_n

Nothing new with pregnancy. My appetite had improved for a bit and it is still better than it was during the first trimester, but it is still not as great as I wish It were. I haven’t been eating as well as I wish I were, both quantity and quality wise, which is something that causes me great concern. I always worry I am harming my baby even though my doctor says she is perfect. I find some peace of mind in the fact that I have been taking my prenatal vitamins religiously even before I got pregnant. I also drink Similac Mom whenever I don’t feed myself as great as I should. I love Similac Mom. It is tasty and it satisfies my hunger. Unknown

Actually, there is something new. And it is most likely pregnancy related. On our second to last day in Mexico, I felt like I was coming down with a cold. You know, the same old symptoms: sore throat, sneezing, coughing, runny nose and so on. During our last sleep in Los Cabos, during the night, I felt really worse all of a sudden. I just felt like there was a freaking elephant sitting on my chest. I was having a really hard time breathing. We all attributed it to my cold – it is just congestion. But the feeling kept getting worse and, by the time we were flying back home, I was sure I was dying.

At times, I could not breathe at all. What an awful feeling. I felt desperate and started to cry thinking I was going to die and kill Olivia and Helena would be an orphan. My mom helped me calm down. I also did not want to freak out too much not to get Helena worried about me. But I wasn’t ok. When we got to Edmonton I thought I should go to the hospital. Dan said it was going to be a waste of time to go there – thanks hubby lol . I called health link and told them what was going on and asked what they think I should do and they said “call 911”. I thought, this is serious. But I did not want to just go straight to the hospital. I wanted to make sure Helena was ok first. So, breathlessly, I fed her and got her in bed before going to the E.R. Once we got there, it did not take long before they took me in. Not breathing is something they do not want to gamble with for sure.


Long story short, I have asthma. Yes, at this point and age, 27 years old, I have developed asthma. It could have been triggered by my pregnancy, or not. I guess we will find out in June. Right away, they made sure Olivia was ok. From there, they started to medicate me. I felt better right away, but they only let me go home once I improved my lungs capacity. When I first got there, it was at 64%.  They sent me home with puffers and told me to see my family doctor to get some more tests done.

Other than that, I am still losing weight. I have lost 10lbs so far.  Olivia has been kicking like crazy lately which is awesome, makes me feel so much more connected to her. My mom and Dan have started to be able to feel the kicks too. Also, we have started to work on the nursery. YAY. This part is fun.